Deposit Form & Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in A Movable Feast, Inc. catering.

Please feel free to contact us at anytime if you have any questions or concerns.

We are available to cater seven days a week. Our Monday through Friday minimum is 40 people. For weekend events we require a minimum of 50 people. The maximum number of people is determined by your menu selection and location. If you have less than the minimum required be sure to ask what additional options may be available for your event.

If there are items or entrees not on our current menu that you are interested in, please let us know. We will be happy to create a menu to meet your needs.

All of our food is served buffet style or individually boxed. Our menu prices include quality paper products, tablecloths for the buffet table only, and seasonal buffet decorations (we DO NOT provide tables). Please let us know if you have a color scheme so we can coordinate our colors with yours.

To hold your date, a $200.00 deposit is required. In the event of a cancellation, your deposit will be forfeited unless we can re-book your date. If so, we will refund your deposit, less a $10.00 bookkeeping fee. If a cancellation occurs within Ten days of your function you will be responsible to pay the remaining amount due from your final guarantee.

Once again, we would like to thank you for your interest in A Movable Feast, Inc. catering. We look forward to working with you on your next catered event.


Catering Guidelines


For weekday events of more than 40 quests, and evening & weekend events of more than 50 quests, a trained member of our staff remains on site for a period of one hour. (Additional service time is available at $30.00 per hour). If you prefer not to have our staff remain on site you can opt to return all equipment the following day. (Next day pick up is available for an additional charge)

Additional staffing is available at $30.00 per hour.


A $250.00 minimum order is required for delivery within our area. A delivery charge of $35.00 may be added if your order does not meet the minimum charge. An additional service charge may be added to deliveries over 20 miles from A Movable Feast, Inc. A $30.00 gas surcharge will be added to all deliveries.


All sales are subject to a 6% MICHIGAN SALES TAX.  A Service Charge of 18% is added to all deliveries. A Service Charge of 10% is added to all Pick-Up orders. Groups that are tax exempt must submit a copy of their tax exempt certificate. Under law in the State of Michigan if any exemption certificate is not provided at the time of purchase, the seller must collect sales tax. A seller is not allowed to accept a claim of exemption after the time of sale.


A Movable Feast’s billing system does NOT include gratuities. Gratuities are at the client’s discretion, and can be given directly to employees in the form of cash or check. We recommend a minimum gratuity of 12% or more of your total food total.


Certain menu items are subject to seasonal availability. Due to our chefs concern for the ideal level of quality, we retain the right to substitute a comparable product so that the host, guest and our staff will always be proud of what we serve.

The event organizer will be held liable for any and all damages to A Movable Feast, Inc., equipment and rental items. We will not assume liability for any personal property, merchandise or equipment damaged during your event.